been sleeping after 4am & getting up at after 2pm routine! e same old habit!
guess am not intending to find a job for a period, probably until next month.
as i will be working at this year's Super Import Night once again with gfs(:
this annual event will be held at Singapore Expo, 18-21 Sept 2009~
currently in sucha holiday mood. enjoying every moment of it.
and especially when i got e cash with me! lol. SHOPPING:D
but on e other hand i think e amount is getting lesser each day:X
as usual september is also e month that my pocket will be burn a hole.
yes its time for me to pressie hunting for those dearest sept babies.
and not to forget to plan for their upcoming bday surprises yay(:
lately i realized im always home on saturday! why is that so):
still as unsure and unsecure, tired of all these mixed up emotions!
im losing faith to carry on this further. no assurance at all.
your love, concern and time is all i ask for. is that so difficult?
out at 5pm, met Sijie & bf at amk hub. went to activate my OCBC card.
to soccer court, e usual place. this time nall & qiu came along too.
its been quite long since i met qiu, tons of catch up with her(:
had fish soup noodles at e coffeeshop with e guys. back home 11pm.
out again at 2AM with my crazy bf and his friend to play L4D at a 24hours lan shop near cuppage road. played for almost 3 hours until i cannot take it man!!! hahas.
felt nauseous and headache! bf & his friend laughed at me & said im weak):
mayb playing for a hour or so is fun but i seriously dun understand how those guys can stare at e com e entire day happily killing zombies and not feeling sick at all.
tsk! appearently gaming isnt our girls kind of thing! im still noob as ever!
went to pump petrol, car wash before home 6am. superb shag-.-zZz
was a good girl, homie e whole day(: if not mum will start her never-ending nagging of me going out everyday and never eat her cooking.
my fave american next top model show is back. yeah!!
09.09.09 on this special date, spent my evening with amanda at town.
went Hypnosis find yeeleng. bought a dress, top and shorts from her. 30% off(:
there goes my 100bucks): then teppanyaki at wistma food republic.
walked ion before to fareast plaza and i got my brown sandals.
we both bought e same magic bubble peeling from Etude House, they even gave out cute freebies like e furry ball pen & lee min ho's poster! who wants it??
lastly, to Canele for drinks & our endless talks. we had make it a point to have a date every week! im glad to keep our friendship so close as before this way even after graduated from mdis so long though. thanks for being there when i needed a listening ear. see ya next wed which is our very own ladies night(: loves
surprisingly bf came to fetch us, sent babe home & to thomson met his buddy & gf a while before home 1am.
p.s pardon me for my many cam-whoring moments in this post(;

supposed to go for my comex show training but i overslept & missed it-.-
there goes my $$$): i could have just go but i dun wish to work alone anyway!
mum & bro came back from their trip while renee's parents went malaysia.
which means she gotten one day freedom & so she came my place at midnight.
to mad bar with mum along. had drinks, bbq chicken wings & cup noodles(:
it was a very quiet night, not much people. cabbed home 2am.
and for e first time in 7 years, bestie sleepover at my place! wees:D

woke up at 3pm to see my crazy mum & bro setting off to desaru for a last minute one day short trip. lol of cause i didnt went along with them!!
met renee to J8. dinner at Pizza hut as i was craving for their new pasta!
shop around, got my make-up remover and back home.
bf came over my place, watched dvd - The Ghost Game. & he left 2am.
supposed to attend eleena's bday party but i couldnt make it in time. sorry!
because i got a date with dear nall to taka for e lion dance competition.
went along to see with her mum & grandma as she gotten another VIP ticket.
its been ages since we both head to town together man. dinner at Ajisen(:
i was least interested in lion dance but i was amused by their performance afterall.
bf came with his doggy, gave them a ride and home.
was bored at home using com, eating mac delivery & watching Gourmet(:
out of sudden at 3AM, bf offered to fetch mum & janet auntie from mad bar.
came pick me up & to geylang for soyabean. home 6am!
as you can see im back to e nerd girl image): went to trim my fringe.
night, to soccer court & catch up with Sijie. sorry for being so late!
dinner at amk S-11, bian mian with e couple & lin hui too.
its been long since i last saw her uh! bought our fave koi.
finally met up with bf after more than a week!
he went home to feed his precious dog first, pump petrol & car wash.
then to geylang bought fruits & to a pub at jalan besar to meet his friends.
chill around with some of their gfs. home 4am~
cabbed to river valley for e IT comex show interview at 3pm.
aftermath to Central mall met Joey to do our nails at her cousin's shop!
Lacquered Nails #02-16, nice comfy ambience with good skills & services.
walked over to Chinatown as joey craving for frog leg porridge. home 10pm.
watched 'Fated to love you' online with mum, she liked e drama too. lol
mum went hub & takaway dian xiao er's duck for my lunch(:
cabbed to hougang to play badminton with renee. gwen came along!
home 10.30pm. nall came over my place to use e toilet & chatted for a hour before we continue our catch up on e phone. this shows how long we never meet up!
oh ya. my pay cheque bank in & gave $200 to mum(:
it might sound very lil or seem nothing at all but this is my first time of contribute my hard earn money to e family. nevertheless i felt a sense of fulfillment & so happy being such a filial daughter! hahas. self-praise! >.<