oh anyway HAPPY 2010, may everyone have a blessed year ahead(:
firstly gotta share a good news for as some may already knew.
well, im back to being OL! like finally no more bumming around, life is been hell busy with my new job:D its actually a temp AA position to cover sherin who went for a 4 months maternity leave. initially almost rejected e offer but they increased my pay so why not! bestie told me nobody says no to extra money, except me-.- lol
never been so caught up with work before! basically my jobscope is overwhelming, consist of soo many different roles and i definitely had learnt quite alot. i swear its not a easy task when especially i will be all alone with no guidance from next week onwards. imagine every month i have to rush out about 70 over people's timesheet?! talking about huge responsibility, their pay is literally in my hands! lol im glad that my boss is a really nice man plus i get to meet many new people too!
but e down side is my working hours is like practically almost 10hours and not to mention i cant run away from OT! ahh told myself all i gotta do to think of my pay cheque & just endure for these few months. yes hopefully i can do it(:
guess this will be a good start for me this year! oh talking about e new year, 2009 had definitely been a fulfilling one! from getting my diploma cert to my second taiwan trip to stepping out into e working society for e first time to exposure of many new experiences and job hopping to being in love for few months and getting over it! somehow felt i had grown up! hahas furthermore my december was awesomee with all those countless of crazy partying & i was sooo wrong about my birthday celebration! last year was indeed special, we had a blast at zouk! never felt so loved with everyone who made e effort to come down just to spend my day(: countdown was great too though it was kinda screwed! okay i will get it updated once i have e time. my post is still forever stuck in november-.-
however one thing i felt indifferent is i missed all those dining out & extravagant shopping trips with mum which she would usually bring us out more often during e end month. and not to mention we didnt went for any snowy holiday this time round, i guess situation had changed. all we had was more tension & argument with me facing e witch at home e entire 2 months, especially with money issues. its just so saddening that she was so insisted of unwilling to fork out any amount to tide me over my jobless period. all she knows is to put e blame on me and kept harping about how evil heartless person i am who took her money. and continue ranting on & on about how pathetic she is and her endless warped logic. lately whenever i saw families around me bonding together during festive seasons like buying xmas gifts and splurging for cny. i cant help but to ponder and think back those days we did had such memorable times too. yes despite that knowing one can never have a luxury life forever, somehow a part of me yearns those days to come back.
well, can say i was such a good girl this whole month, so much lesser late night out! as i was so damn broke and everyone started school already which left me finally got myself busy with job hunting & going for interviews. and also to add on about my social calendar, i had watched quite many good movies to name, dinner & been chilling out with my fave girls every week(: all these lil simple pleasures matters e most instead of just partying e night away. ohh right now all i soo wanna do is clear off all my debts, go for a cny retail therapy and i cant wait to lay my hands on a iphone! yay its time to upgrade my line! and lastly i wanna save up for bangkok trip! oh god how many times did i repeated this already! SAVE UP!
sooo looking forward to chinese new year, as usual gonna go visiting with gfs! and our steamboat gathering plan on e 12th. and genting trip with bestie's family on e 15th & 16th. now after getting my pretty nails done by nall and e recent ikea trip, all i left to do before cny is to colour my hair, trim eyebrows, spring clean my room and fix up my new storage and most importantly a shopping spree is what i really in need(: and e list goes on & on~ so much to do, so lil time!
anyway i was so touched by Xiaxue's interesting love story and e romantic proposal video! omg its just like a fairytale came true and i seriously love her diamond heart wedding ring. gosh its just so pretty! apparently she's just one god damn lucky girl who could actually found such a nice, fine ang mo she met online & eventually happily ever after! i gotta admit her story managed convincing me to doubt of my belief of true love! hahas
some horoscope results i find it so true!
Decisiveness is your keyword for today, Capricorn. Although circumstances may be imposing on your life (and your wallet), you need to stop the situation now, before it goes any further. Indecision simply won't do: it might make the problem worse. You need to set your sights on your objective and act with confidence and certainty. Even if you are feeling a little unsure, and have doubts about making the right move, don't let that vacillation come to the surface, because every once and a while, someone has to cross the fingers and go for it: today that someone is you.
As far as job matters are concerned, Capricorn, don't believe the promises you hear today. It might not be that others are being purposely deceptive; it's entirely possible that what's promised today may fall to forces beyond the control of anyone involved, but one way or another turn out to be something other than what's expected. Follow your instincts and trust your intuition, no matter what others are telling you, but no matter how hard you want to believe in that pie in the sky, remember that it won't be very tasty after it falls.
he's just not that into you, definitely a good read!
lesson learnt! if he isnt calling u at all, then simply move on.
and i realized u just cant trust anyone out there, no one.
dating is fun..even if he doesn't turn out to be mr. right(:
sometimes i wonder isn't it ironic? we ignore the ones who adore us, adore the ones that ignore us, love the ones who hurt us and hurt the ones who love us.
my new year resolution: figure out my next direction in my life (still in a dilemma over work or school?) & do e best out of it. be more independent, get organized and manage my time well!! start earning my keep & hit e gym more often. lastly i wanna a new reddy camera pleaseee and my driving licence before i hit 21 yeah!
with love ♥