hahas. life with work definitely hectic, everyday feeling so dead beat):
gosh just couldnt get rid of my serious dark circles, im soo damn deprived of sleep.
oh man! more than hundreds of photos is accumulating waiting for me to upload.
wouldnt it be awesome if blogger came up with a massive photo uploader??!
now i ask myself when can i ever get my post up to date??
oh yes. gotten myself red head once again to kick start this cny, loving it!
hopefully e year of tiger would be a much better one for us, horse yea.
so did everyone had a great time visiting & dating at e same time?
well however this cny doesnt seem great for me though, so screwed up!
apparently my mum took away all my ang baos away, isnt this so saddening):
im just so hell upset! initially i was happily looking forward of having some cash to tide me over till my next pay. damn it!!
yet im back to pathetic square one, sooo damn freaking broke now!
no choice gotta endure for 2 more penniless weeks, no doubt it gonna be shitty! i dun wish to sound so sorry for myself but seriously im a grown up already!
my bro's share should be enough, why cant she leave my share alone!
urgh this definitely dampen my cny joyous spirits! and not to mention my genting trip with bestie was canceled! a lonely soul without fail so how nice can it be?
okay mayb its time to face e reality, we are facing some financial crisis currently.
afterall she got no right to lecture me about my spending habits after hearing how she bought 2 fake chanel bags recently. tell me who's e spendthrift one??
i just cant comprehend her actions! i warned her about how easily to be cheated of getting such unauthentic goods online and she totally ignore my advice! i believe in either u can afford getting e authentic or rather nothing at all. she claimed she love e design but im talking about 200bucks! i did my part, just waiting to see for them to arrive. tsk, cant be bothered!
nevertheless on a brighter note, i shall say its fun for e past 1 week running about visiting to different friend's places. went sijie's, nall's dad, richard's, renee's, yuwei's, shaun's, nanny's and mine too. i guess next will be qiu's, nall's mum, amanda's and perhaps aaron teo's?? lol needless to say all we mostly did was gamble e night away! my luck for this year is neither good nor bad, eventually i did lost but im glad its not that much though compared to previous year man.
a lil quick review about what i been up to. cny eve was partying at zouk & powerhouse with joey & her friends but it wasnt really a good night. finally after ages, had a great catch up with my sweetie cousin recently at work. oh boy i enjoyed e Valentine's day movie! its corny yet hilarious, sweet, heartwarming and with a interesting surprised ending. even though i still prefer He's Just Not That Into You but somehow e storyline is very similar. a cute romance comedy u never wanna miss with your loved ones!
spent almost 2 hours just to take off my gel extensions myself and it does hurts a lil, i swear im not going to do any gel nails probably for a long period. oh it totally damaged my weak nails big time man):
alright toodles, plently more pictures will be up soon~