dunno why lately everyday i just couldnt get to bed before 4am.
tsk. my body clock all went hay wired le. gotta turn it back man!
sadly my dark eye circles & heavy eye bags is getting more obvious.
if this goes on, i wonder how am i gonna step out to e working society:X
anyway gwen is so into boys over flower right now too! heh.
told her long ago to watch it but she just didnt believe me):
happy to have someone to share my fetish of my obsessions over them.
but i think she's more crazy than me uh! lol. ji hoo so charming!! ^-^
a family day out spent with mum & co. e whole day(:
first to amk for lunch at Suki Sushi.
picked up uncle's son, Ryan together to Spore Flyer.
did e Kenko Dr fish foot spa before we went for e ride!
yeah, both is my virgin first time experience(:
didnt expect spore night view can be so beautiful up there too.
but still its kinda slow & bored uh! & e foot spa is so freaking ticklish!
omg! intially i was so afraid to put my leg in but afterall its was fun!
made me giggle away! felt my foot was smooth & clean after e session.
lol. oh ya. so concidence i saw michelle. qiu, u still rmb her? hahas.
aftermath, to boat quay wanted to eat Superbowl for dinner.
to my disappointment, it closed so walked over to Central mall.
decided to dine at Ma Mansion. one of our all time fave jap resturant.
well, i did mention before their yummy food & cozy ambience is thumbs up!
suppose to go swimming with sijie but as expected we couldnt wake up!
evening, out with mum & co. for a hearty fufilling seafood feast(:
at Long Beach restaurant, Dempsey Rd outlet.
really love e surroundings, nice place to chill out at e cafes there!
cool uh. still got dry ice one(:
met up SiJie at Bugis(: get to catch up over at e Rockery.
accompanied her to buy her bf's bday pressie.
after which to dhoby for dinner at Just Acia.
gwen, qiu & her bf came to find us, went daiso then to Cathay to slack.
broke + nowhere to go so head back to amk, took e new circle line(:
broke + nowhere to go so head back to amk, took e new circle line(:
lol. e girls came to my place before went over to nearby Mac to chill.
we were looking at my photo albums & indeed those bring back lotsa memories!
back home 2am. & mum is still not at home.
guess what! she went butter factory without telling me! urgh~
i been wanting to check out that place & never did i expect she beat me to that!
lol. nobody can stop her when she go club but when i go she will nag soo much! -.-
dun mind just let me rant a while. currently so frustrated with my finance right now. e helpless feeling of wanna enjoy life but cant afford to. yet still stuck at home facing a witch who made me so sick of hearing her screams all day long. one thing i couldnt understand is why mum doesnt wish to give me pocket money. i mean afterall im not working. even when im still schooling, she doesnt give me willingly and not to say even a fixed amount. in my whole life, im always e one who gotta open my mouth for it. at times, i still have to beg for it or perhaps get beaten for it. & she will start asking countless of questions & doubt me. she been cooping at home for ages, how would she know about e world outside. only what she thinks is wise. i too wanna have my own good time outside but she doesnt seem to see eye to eye about it. whenever i was still working part-time, she forced me to quit just because school had started. she is e one who asked me not to work & she also e one who doesnt give me my expenses. everything needs money & she thinks i can get by with those few bucks. & now she finds me a useless lazybum at home & been ranting me to go out and work or continue study. i guess she dunno what's economic crisis. i know i got no right to ask her to give me her money. but i cant help but to envy others when their parents can easily transfer cash to them. even when she jolly well knew im freaking broke, she just couldnt care much. fcuk, just cant comprehend her way of thinking! therefore i seriously dread asking money from her & resulting me to resort of taking it. i have to admit whatever money i had which is not my work pay, mostly is not she personally gave me. she never fail to complain how much money she spent on me. yes, she did & do splurge alot on me. but nevertheless i think this is what she own me. people tend to think im so heartless to eat up own mum's money & treating her as ATM but e fact is that's e time she will spend only when im wth her. i dunno why it is so but i take it to my advantage. however, its still two different things. pocket money is for my own keepsake, my own personal cash, my own use. im tired of arguing & i bet she will not ever come to terms about it. im waiting to see if she gonna do that to bro as times go by. since she tend to look down on me so much, i gonna prove it to her i can earn big bucks in e near future & support myself too. dun assume not only her precious son can do that! ):
dun mind just let me rant a while. currently so frustrated with my finance right now. e helpless feeling of wanna enjoy life but cant afford to. yet still stuck at home facing a witch who made me so sick of hearing her screams all day long. one thing i couldnt understand is why mum doesnt wish to give me pocket money. i mean afterall im not working. even when im still schooling, she doesnt give me willingly and not to say even a fixed amount. in my whole life, im always e one who gotta open my mouth for it. at times, i still have to beg for it or perhaps get beaten for it. & she will start asking countless of questions & doubt me. she been cooping at home for ages, how would she know about e world outside. only what she thinks is wise. i too wanna have my own good time outside but she doesnt seem to see eye to eye about it. whenever i was still working part-time, she forced me to quit just because school had started. she is e one who asked me not to work & she also e one who doesnt give me my expenses. everything needs money & she thinks i can get by with those few bucks. & now she finds me a useless lazybum at home & been ranting me to go out and work or continue study. i guess she dunno what's economic crisis. i know i got no right to ask her to give me her money. but i cant help but to envy others when their parents can easily transfer cash to them. even when she jolly well knew im freaking broke, she just couldnt care much. fcuk, just cant comprehend her way of thinking! therefore i seriously dread asking money from her & resulting me to resort of taking it. i have to admit whatever money i had which is not my work pay, mostly is not she personally gave me. she never fail to complain how much money she spent on me. yes, she did & do splurge alot on me. but nevertheless i think this is what she own me. people tend to think im so heartless to eat up own mum's money & treating her as ATM but e fact is that's e time she will spend only when im wth her. i dunno why it is so but i take it to my advantage. however, its still two different things. pocket money is for my own keepsake, my own personal cash, my own use. im tired of arguing & i bet she will not ever come to terms about it. im waiting to see if she gonna do that to bro as times go by. since she tend to look down on me so much, i gonna prove it to her i can earn big bucks in e near future & support myself too. dun assume not only her precious son can do that! ):

lol. gwen wanna watch that kiddo movie, Monsters VS Aliens.
stayed up till 7am in e morning. job hunting online.
sent out 60 resumes. so proud of myself(: lol.
how i wish i could continue happily playing like this.
but i know i cant idle forever, being such a useless person.
a need to find a job to keep me occupy & of cause to earn $$$!
wish me luck~