no matter how much hatred i had in me, afterall she's still my beloved mum.
i may seem appear nonchalant about everything but deep down i do appreaciates whatever she had done for me(:
watched jackie cheung's big concert dvd & its awesomee!
even i know nuts about his cantonese songs but his powerful vocal is superb!
stopped halfway & to amk hub's mos met gwen & qiu for some catch up(:
then accompanied gwen shopping & we walked to my house voideck.
i left with mum & co. to plaza sing for dinner, Crystal Jade(:
went daiso & carrefour before headed homee.
out again midnight, fetched gwen from qiu's place to Mad pizza bar(:
e boss always made us laughed crazily & even said lotsa words of wisdom!
that heartbroken girl vomitted after just a vodka bottle from 7-11!
seeing her breakdown & so helpless, i also cant help but feeling sad too):
both of my gfs same situation but one wanna give up, e other wanna hold on.
see, this is why im afraid of stepping into such complicated r/s issues & get hurt.
in fact, i dun have e courage to face & go through it~
i had seen & heard too much.
If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever.
If it dosent, then it was never meant to be.
dragged myself out of bed early in e morning:X
had buffet breakfast & a 10mins walk to City Square for shopping(:
dunno why whenever we go there, we never fail to shop from Padini.
accompanied auntie may to look around at those bridal shops.
oh ya, we will be going back there next month to see e gowns!
had baskin-robbins yummy ice-cream fondue(: love their lil cute balls.
back to hotel to check-out & back home nearby for porridge~
out again to amk hub for teppanyaki & movie, The Ramen Girl.
storyline kinda slow & boring but heartwarming & funny too.
it plainly just telling how a amercian girl after being dumped, came to Japan to learn to cook e perfect bowl of ramen. overall its ok uh, watch it only u got nothing to do.

first, went hub with mum to get Joey's bday pressie.
evening, uncle fetched me to jurong Chevrons chalet.
dropped by at Joey's bday party a while. so many people!
then joined mum & co. upstairs e chinese restaurant for dinner(:
had e beijing duck which is damn nice!!
left about 10pm & headed to JB, check-in hotel~