wanted to play badminton but its seem gonna rain so too bad):
yesterday was out with mum to collect my new passport!
my photo is freaking ugly luh): but couldnt change it until 5 years later-.-
then over to bugis temple to pray, took a lot which is very true!
i believe in patience & time, but we often fail to do that~
back to amk hub, ntuc & takaway dian xiao er home.
we always tend to order e wrong duck flavour.
but this time now i know my fave is e lighter brown sauce one! heh.
oh yes!! received my last results slip & to my surprise i got C for both:D
yay, lucky no need retest! im officially finished my dip in business management!
just that im disappointed with myself of not getting a B or A before.
totally a loser uh, apparently i never study hard enough):
lately im so hooked on facebook uh!
dunno why friends got this mindset of my fave colour is pink?
lol. doesnt mean i like hellokitty & my room is pink = i like pink.
in fact my fave colour are those colours of my built-in furniture(:
anyway people feel free to take my quiz ^-^
well, indeed time flies specially fast when u are enjoying(:
its been almost a month ever since im in my holiday mood.
its such a nice feeling being so carefree & happily idling only uh.
but e ironic thing is i somehow missing those days in sch & my mates!
especially my babe, amanda! she & joey been busy with work):
oh ya, so looking forward to next wed to catch up with her!
only me e jobless one. perhaps im getting kinda bored lazing around.
even though my days in mdis was just a short period of less than a year.
im truly glad being friends with both babes and that we can click well.
& their company does make my time in school much more fulfilling!
im e youngest so i shall say they had taught me lotsa stuffs in a mature way.
shared with me so much in terms of their experiences, lives and stories.
from family to relationships to friends to personal issues.
misses those times when we were busy fooling around & gossiping in class instead of listening, never-ending topics with amanda, updating with each other's happening e first thing everyday, rushing on projects & mugging together at e very last minute.
& of cause not to forget our many lunch, shopping & movies dates.
aww. those days so memorable! had countless of outings within a year.
without them, i guess my life in mdis will be a absolute boring one.
yep i think i had learnt alot from amanda & get to realize e real world outside.
i felt we always has e same mindset, like choosing friends over bf..
she's someone i look up to & definitely a person with a good listening ear.
probably after we now graduate, leading each own direction in life.
no longer can be close as before or seeing each other 5days per week.
but im thankful knowing her & those great times we spent(: misses.
p.s i do misses ite days too. my 4 other darlings & all those laughter we shared(:
why is my courses always ended in one year only?
gonna turn in now, going spa with mum tml~ Nights(: