but my pics is accumulating toooo many..
that im just so lazy or dunno where to start uploading them!
so please give me more time uh. nevertheless i will get it done soon.
went richard's house yesterday for Jenyi's 19th bday party(:
had much fun & laughter, steamboat & BBQ with e guys & my gfs.
back home sunday morning 8am! damn shag~
go grab those pics from my fb first.
anyway auntie may had moved out of our house.
i myself also dunno its a good or bad news.
im happy for mum that she is off one burden now.
& she would probably rant less and not so stressed up.
back to old square one, just e pathetic 3 of us.
our place is also not as messy, much neater perhaps.
but on e other hand e atmosphere is not lively as before.
no more car rides, fancy restaurants, going out as often.
no one is there to help me defend mum or put in good words.
looking back, actually having a tenent could be quite fun too.
i will miss those times when my weekends is always filled(:
michael jackson death is on news everywhere!
cant stand mum!! she's like so affected by it luh! wth.
lol. but then again looking at his MV kept playing on telly.
somehow it gave me a familiar feeling that bring back e past.
& in fact i did listen his songs before during younger days.
though i freaking hate his face, no doubt he is e king of pop!
RIP MJ (: e world will always remember u.
met up with dear amanda for late lunch & movie at town(:
had Pasta de Waraku before catch Drag Me to Hell at cine.
omg! indeed its gross, disgusting & exciting but predictable plot!
a thriller that will make u freaked out & laugh it off at e same time. lol.
e great visual & sound effects definitely worth it to keep u in suspense!
overall, i must say babe & i enjoyed e movie gasping throughout!
catch up with her, yay she is back to singlehood with me(:
oh ya. i saw some fight broke out on e train back home. lol -.-
seriously im so disgusted by that inconsiderate couple!!
they are e ones who started e whole thing yet still blame others!
why there are such singaporeans uh. its just so turned off!
e man was coughing badly, loudly, without covering his mouth.
& when passengers trying to say or stop him, e man just doesnt stop.
everybody couldnt stand him so some uncles confronted him.
e lady with him acted like some insane women, hurling back at them non-stop!
eventually she used umbrella to hit them. lol. & everyone was so shocked!!
& e train stopped at amk... & i missed e later part of e funny show(: lol.
if only i wasnt alone, i would have taken a video down! so silly -.-
night, out with mum & co. to amk Astons for dinner.
they served good western food there!! to hub for desserts & homee.