pretty upset that apparently i just couldnt find any job!
i kinda losing hope already! can any kind soul just hire me(:
i seriously dun wish to continue spending my days idling.
felt so useless! hate e feeling of being so lost of no directions!!
what i need is a temp admin position to tide me over till next year.
is experience really important out there?! im willing to learn.
yet why is it nobody giving me a chance):
just got back from town with my girls(:
movie, Ghost of Girlfriends Past with Renee at cine.
yes! its funny, romantic, touching & meaningful. made us cried!
predictable storyline but i enjoyed it throughout! a must-watch!
Gwen came along for dinner with us at Pepperlunch.
got my $5 top from cotton on(: then chill out at paragon, Starbucks.
taken at Butter from e photographer(:
my own home-made milo shake(: lol.
my all time fave cheese pepper beef rice(:
met dear renee up at amk hub, accompanied her for lunch.
bus to Bugis, collected my Waraku member card(:
shop around & back home for dinner~
my last trip to MDIS, collected my diploma cert with amanda(:
woohoo~ im proud to say i officially completed my whole course!
at least no need retake or remodule! im glad mum's $$$ is not wasted!
head to cine for HK cafe. had many catch up & stuffs.
oh! most probably we considering to continue our degree at kaplan or psb.
p.s movie date with babe soon yeah ^-^
afterwhich to hub met mum & co. for dinner at Fish & co.
didnt ate much though. home 9pm~