ordered KFC delivery. was craving for zinger! lol.
mum happily went out so i stuck at homee with bro. -.-
was fed up with mum just when i about to go out!
she just enjoy making my life miserable):
met up with qiu & renee at hub for Threads of destiny.
oh my! we seriously totally regretted wasting our time & $$ on it!
such a crappy jap love story with lousy plot, storyline & ending.
a huge disappoinment! even though e actor is kinda cute looking.
i must say this is one of e worse movie i had watched this year!
sky of love was way sooo much better lah!
afterwhich, headed to plaza sing, Diaso with qiu(:
a stock up of their instant noodles lest mum rant on me again!
had some nice chit chats before train homee~

accompanied dear renee at hub before back to my place(:
& again we 5 girls happily crapping away on msn~
e silly us came up with our very own elmo family! lol.
oh ya. im rostia, gwen e cookie monster, nall e elmo,
qiu e abby & lastly renee e grover! SESAME STREET FAMILY!
peng, baby dylan & nall came over my place in e night(:
slacked & chatted, cooked for them my special fave maggie mee! lol.
jass love her gfs company more than anything else~

met up sijie & nall at amk hub, had Pepperlunch(:
nall's friend fetched us back to my house downstairs.
went for a hair trim. back to lil girl image with short fringe):
then to s-11 for a drink along with nana & lynn. & home~

a midnight movie date at hub with dear nall, Transformers(:
well, e most highly anticipated sequel movie was such a let down!
yes its superb action-packed with awesomee graphic & sound effects.
but then again i find e plot is kinda messy, weak, draggy & full of flaws.
too much of dialouge & fighting scenes which kinda bored me out!
overall, i still prefer part 1 which impress me e most.
nevertheless e fantastic visual effects is still worth watching.
hopefully e next transformer 3 will be much better~

overdue pics~
not to mention its been 2 months since im jobless):
i need motivation man. im seeing myself giving up!
wondering how long more i can stop being this useless aimless soul~
wondering how long more i can stop being this useless aimless soul~
im tired of facing e witch at home all day long!