couldnt hit e sack not until 5am & getting up after 2pm.
yes e pig me needs at least a 10hours of beauty sleep(:
arghh! i dread e feeling of being CASHLESS!! ):
i so wanna go shopping & hang out everyday!!
maybe should i just go find a sugar daddy. lol -.-
i felt myself very gloomy nowadays):
sometimes i feel myself changing that i dunno what im thinking!
can someone fill up e emptiness in me & bring myself back.
i dun wish to open up yet i been giving false hope! im a baddie):
with such a nice cooling weather, homie e entire day~
mum was out e whole morning while i online till 6am!
anyway i finished up e last episode of Tazza, also known as The War of Flower(:
usually i dun make much reviews about those countless of dramas i had watched.
but i specially wanna rave so much about this drama that hooked me up!!
storyline is all about gambling, cheating, revenge, friendship & love.
interesting perfect plot with great cast that made it just so exciting!
it totally kept me engaging in suspense throughout. thumbs up~
especially awed & amazed by those fascinating tricks & style they showed.
& i lovee Jang Hyuk, one of my fave actor. definitely a must-watch!

as usual, got tickets to NDP preview 09 from nall's family(:
met up with e girls - nall, zenda, edel & this time with qiu along!
well, im surprised that this year's performance is much better.
pretty lightings & more creative stage set-up, they even came up a storyline.
late dinner at Newton before train homee. had a fun & enjoyable day ^-^