went to bed 8am this morning yet awake at 2pm!
it seems like i always tend to be homie on every sunday.
supposed to meet up nall but as usual she was sleeping away~
so spent my day watching drama, gourmet.
oh yes im starting work tml, gotta sleep in early tonight!
wish me luck~ a new path, a new direction of my life ^-^
was out e whole night with him. with chinatown for dinner(:
had dim sim at Yum Cha restaurant. then to Bugis arcade to play.
last minute movie plan, we ended up went round spore to find tickets.
lol. literally from cathay to plaza sing to cine to kallang to vivo to cine..
lastly back to cathay. yay finally gotten 2.15am, the Haunting in connecticut.
gosh! we were like running a mall marathon. all was fully booked lah!
went one fullerton before our movie. a horror flim yet arent that scary.
confused storyline but it did kept me in suspense. not that bad uh.
& e ironic thing is e silly absent minded us still happily went for our movie but when we reached cine and saw e ticket, we realized its actually at cathay! -.-
sometimes i rather keep mum about everything cause i know i had a screwed mother who is such a spoil mood): i need my personal space man!

mum & bro went tpy for movie so he gave them a ride. hahas.
felt so weird:X dinner was popular nasi lemak from west coast.
went kent ridge park, labrador park & mount faber to chill.
midnight digital movie, Harry Potter at Cathay. utterly disappointed):
as usual awesome graphic effects but poor plot & draggy storyline.
too much on some lame teenage romance & plently on-going dialogue rather than action magic scenes which seriously bored me to tears! just hate e sad ending!!
its probably e worse in HP series. watch it only for e sake of visuals(:
takaway soya beancurd for mum, back home 4am~
he made me realized how much he care for me & my family(;

lunch with gwen & accompanied to sim lim sq to do her lappy skin(:
back home for dinner. night, went mac with qiu to chill & heart-talks!
nevertheless i felt better talking it all out, too much happenings~