dunno why, recently i just dun have e mood to blog about anything.
many happenings, many problems bothering me, im so screwed up):
kept myself occupied, chilling out almost everyday for e past 1 week.
oh ya. been hanging out with e guys for e past 4 consecutive days! lol.
to my surprise e guys do click very well with any gfs i brought along.
well, at least im blessed that i still have my dearest friends as company.
headed to Peace Centre for a interview of a recruitment company.
met up Amanda at Cathay for early dinner at Astons(:
bus to Bugis Street for some shopping but i didnt buy anything though.
then to Haji Lane, chill & chatted over drinks at Blue Jab Cafe.
had a enjoyable date with my babe! back home 11.30pm , telly~
i must say their Mango smoothie is soo good:D
its my last day of work again! & i managed not to take cab(:
lol. was seriously broke man but yay i gotten my pay cheque!!
woohoo! anyway i was so surprised that my boss is so kind to give me a full month pay even i only worked for 3 weeks! obviously im just so happy man:D
met gwen after work & train home together.
chatted on e phone with renee for 2 hours, slept 4am.
out at 7 pm to United Sq, Starbucks to slack with shaun, jenyi & dickson.
waited for richard and to J8 for movie with him & jenyi(:
The Proposal was funny & entertaining! thumbs up!
totally made me laughed throughout:D home 12am.SATURDAY
went Spore Expo for e NATAS travel fair with peiting & richard too(:
cause ting wanna book her taiwan trip in nov for her sweet anni! *envy*
while we wanna check out about our genting trip during ric's bday.
we literally spent a whole afternoon there. lunch at BurgerKing.
aftermath, to novena with richard to find e guys.
but eventually all went home for dinner so only left pathetic me & ric.
so coincidence sijie & yuan came to meet us after their dinner.
tinghao came & we went mingles. no money to eat so chatted with sijie(:
and that stupid ric happily making fun of me with areoplanes! -.- lol
e guys asked me along to yuwei's place to watch soccer, boring!
so i was a good girl, headed home early instead.FRIDAY
after work, headed back to amk and bought Koi to soccer court e usual place.
tons of catch up with SiJie(: gossipgirls! then to coffeeshop with e guys.
richard came my place to bath as he was lazy to go home.
he even wore my shirt can! wanted to watch movie but no midnight timing):
and they actually dragged until 2AM to finally decide on where to go.
apparently they are more worse than us girls. lol. so fickle minded!
guess what?! -.- ended up we went mac to chill with both 2 shauns, home 5am.
eleena came my work place for interview as i recommended(:
and yes she got e job. its been ages since i last met her!
OT a hour after work before to plaza sing met gwen meanwhile before she went for her dinner treat and i met Joey. shared fish soup steamboat at foodcourt.
walked over to Cathay to meet e guys & waited jenyi to knock off.
i was being forced to decide on a place so suggested to Mad Cafe(:
mum came along and treat them which what they waiting for! stingy guys! lol.
eat, drink, chill, crap, home 3am. anyway we planning for a genting trip^-^WEDNESDAY
after work, movie session with amanda at J8. Orphan.
plot is interesting & thrilling that kept us in suspense.
enjoyed it though its seriously gruesome & creepy!
this flim literally will let you freaking hate this girl, esther!! lol.
late dinner at Subway. & so coincidence saw shaun , funyong & jenyi.
they insisted on joining them to Raffles City, chill at 24 hours Starbucks.
heartalk with babe and crap with e guys after so long never meet!
home 3am. thanks fy and jy for 40bucks cab fare treat(:TUESDAY
flooded with last minute work, OT till 7pm.
was in e cab to serangoon gardens for dinner with gwen & renee.
bf called and asked me alight at amk, he came fetched me there(:
dinner together at chomp chomp. sent e girls and home 10.30pm.
for e first time, he freaked me out! i knew he is in a foul mood.
but afterall i was left utterly disappointed once again):
your heck care attitide and insensitiveness is sucha turned off.
didnt even bother to mention anything about it, i dun expect much.
but is it just so difficult to reply back. im sick of these hot n cold feelings!
perhaps it doesnt meant anything to you but its a big deal to me.
i felt unappreciated, i felt neglected, i felt miserable, i felt insecure.
yet u seems to know nothing, at all. as if everything is perfectly fine.
e more u act nonchalant, e more i find it meaningless to talk it out.
i may appear not to be bothered, i pretended, i feign ignorant.
i might be sceptical but i do care & take things seriously.
i dun wish to delude myself nor let my thoughts wander around.
however somehow all these made me realized e trust is still isnt there):
nothing is perfect in this world and i dun harbour much expectations.
as fate brought us together like a miracle, i told myself not to give up so easily.
what i really do hope is to work things out as time passes by each day.
anyway i still wanna say Happy 1st Month Baby(: love you~
stuck at home with those dreadful cramps):
mum ordered mac delivery, 2 Happy meals specially for mee(:SATURDAY
mum & bro out e whole day to NDC asked about bro's braces and movie at vivo.
yet they didnt even called me along): while i rot at home alone!
lucky e dentist said its still early for bro to do braces. if not i will be damn depressed man! she jolly well knew how much i wanted it since young. but she only care about her precious son! why is life so unfair! ya she thinks my bro need it more than me!
please just dun ever let me see my bro do it before me!! urgh!
night, went out to pray for 7th month with bf & his mum for e first time(:
was so nervous man! after waited so long for his turn to ask some stuffs.
went to braddell mac eat Happy meal with his buddy along.
to bf's place till e rain stops, home 5am.FRIDAY
after work, met gwen, qiu and her friends to train back together.
went amk mac eat Happy meal before to qiu's house with cherie(:THURSDAY
woke up earlier in e morning to have mac breakfast with renee bestie(:
home after work. its haven even end of month yet im soo broke already!!WEDNESDAY
after work, met gwen in e train and headed to braddell.
met bf to kovan hawker for chicken chop with his buddy & gf(:
then to Parklane as e guys played pool, went arcade and an hour of LAN.
my virgin session of playing L4D! lol. it seems exciting but i still very noob lah):
home 1am. called up renee & rant to her about e hairclip thingy!TUESDAY
oh ya. i gotten myself lost when heading home after work. lol.
took e wrong bus & ended up at Whampoa!! how great is that. silly me):
i managed to reach home safely but with almost 2 hours long journey! -.-MONDAY
intially i didnt take cab to work but i missed e stop & ended up lost again.
so i still cab afterall. this is how inconvenient my work place is!!
mum packed for me her yummy hand-made fried dumplings(: ahahas
after work, bf came fetch me and somehow to avoid ERP,
we dropped by a temple at river valley to pray. lol
dinner at Tampopo, a popular jap restaurant in Liang Court.
not bad, my soba is nice. greedy bf ate 2 meals on his own!
went rounding at jurong, west coast and cck before home 1am.now i know what my gfs meant when they said honeymoon period.
i tried to be understanding too but apparently e difference is too obvious.
is money really that important even in relationships?
or is it my fault that i doesnt like to initiate or what. i cant help it.
im tired of waiting like a fool who doesnt know anything.
when 2 person clashes together, whats e outcome? i wonder.