been caught up with work & occupied myself with many dates after work until mum doesnt even bother to cook my dinner nowadays! hahas. and i think im getting fatter with sitting all day long in e office facing e com for 9 hours. and especially working with gwen who is forever eating, my stomach will never be left hungry with her around who is so lucky with such a maid to prepare breakfast everyday. she will never fail to tempt me with her egg mayo bread or those many tibits she brought from home! LOL i wanna go for a jog or probably badminton soon!
lately been back home late so often that im so deprived of rest, a beauty sleep is needed to get rid my hideous dark panda eyes): but ironically i was cooped at home for e past 2 previous weekends. unfortunately my only 2 off days is such a pathetic one with no plans at all. however i guess my next weekend will be a great one uh! as amanda babe had taken a week off & she gonna spend it with me(: yay, how sweet can she be!
anyway i so wanted to go supperclub but i missed it again! another time perhaps. im just soo broke right now, wonder when e hell i will ever get my pay?! took cab 3 times within this week, really cant afford to continue this way! so much to buy, so many places to go yet too lil money): oh my hands is itchy for a shopping spreee yet again & i so wanna go Bangkok sooo superb badly man!! hopefully i could plan a trip for next year yeah! im currently so into holiday mood!
next event on my calendar will be e kitty lab at spore expo, 14th - 19th nov 09!! woohoo:D im getting uber excited over it, though i heard e tickets was kinda ex. calling out all hello kitty fans like me, you will never wanna miss this special exhibition. aww its gonna be so adorable, like a dream come true(: so who interested in coming along with me?? hahas. oh ya, before i forget i will be going for a holiday trip with qiu for e second time yea! with her family to malaysia during dec, gotta save up for that too eh(:
currently im so obsessed with 3 different kinds of drama which all are so engaging - Gossip Girls, Mooncake Resonance, East of Eden(:
i must say 家好月圓 is one of e best hk dramas that impressed me so much. it definitely brings u a roller coaster ride of emotions, which making me crying & laughing at e same time! love e storyline, e plot & everything. e most important thing is it did taught me many inspiring lessons about e meaningful bond about family ties & life values and wisdom that is always happening around us everyday. really envy their united family warmth!
finally i was out on a sat to town with amanda after her work(:
caught a movie, Love Happens. kinda disappointed though.
wasnt a romantic sweet love story i expected, instead its more on talking about how a guy getting over his wife death with e help of this random girl he met at e hotel lobby. okay love did happened but it doesnt elaborate e love sparks between them. afterall its not so bad, quite a few touching moments though. think its only worth for a weekday ticket uh.
aftermath, went take to grab a bite & slack at our usual corner. after a long decision, we ended up at thomson's liquid kitchen to chill and chit-chat(:
home 1.30am. even though it might be just a simple night out, nevertheless it was a enjoyable one. thanks babe for being there when i always needed someone. she's e one who made me believe she's different from others. looking forward to our party date next week.
lets forget all e troubles & i know u can let it go over time. love you~
took half day leave at 4pm. and its was so sweeet to see qiu, nall & richard who came all e way to tanjong pajar just to wait for me to knock off to accompany me to mdis for my interview(: well, i sent in my resume for e universal studio which is opening at sentosa next year, hopefully they will get back to me. i thought it will be a fun working environment!
thanks richard's for e 28bucks cab fare which took us a freaking long journey to his house to grab soccer stuffs and to e usual soccer court. lol. had a great heartalk with e girls and to nall's place a while. back to e court waited for ric, brian and dickson for dinner at newton as nall been craving for all those yummy bbq seafood. not to mention me as well!
after which, chill at bishan park's explorer zone with nall & ric before home.
sometimes i asked myself why am i always e one accomodating others?
sometimes i asked myself who am i to tolerate with all those attitudes?
sometimes i asked myself why am i always e one making e effort to ask & plan?THURSDAY
was a good girl to head home straight after work with gwen.
apparently its not a good thing afterall. thought i could have a nice rest at home but never did i expect for a huge fight, argument with mum over a spoilt brat and my pay. sometimes i wish my bro never existed in my life, sometimes i felt my hatred for him is beyond words. its just getting too much!
im always treated like a fool who will never have a say that is left being outcast.
what i wanna is a escape, a breakfree from all these harsh cruel reality):
a begger got no right to choose - this hurts me deeply hard right into my heart!
gwen on MC which left me alone again, stayed in during lunch):
after work, to town for my usual date with amanda.
went far east plaza for chicken rice, catch up & shop around.
we both got e same shoes again but this time in different colours(:
& face masks too which recommended by nu ren wo zui da. home 10plus.
i knew its was her but i just act nonchalant cause i dun have e courage to face e fact that she's once e girl who we shared e same guy.
after work, to hub for My Sister's keeper with nall, qiu, adnan & richard(:
thumbs up!! a god damn touching & meaningful storyline. heart-warming yet heart-breaking at e same time which is definitely a tear-jerker that will overwhelmed you with whole lot of emotions! totally made me & nall sobbing uncontrollably in e cinema. hahas. i swear its one of e best moving flim i ever watch that seriously melted my heart, u will never wanna miss this! i seriously wouldnt mind watching it again.
aftermath, dinner at mac & heartalk with nall. soo much to catch up!
hopefully nall love will be happier after making such a painful hard decision!
please take good care of yourself regardless of what will happen(:
damn it! so careless of me lost my precious ear-piece):MONDAY
went amk hub after work for dinner at nebo cafe with mum & bro.
before our MJ movie, This is It! find it kinda bored at e back,
but MJ was awesomee though. overall i can say its a excellent tribute that is worth to watch MJ for e last time.
back home. had a great long chat on e phone with dear Ting about her upcoming taiwan trip, gave her many useful tips(: hope she & her bf had a wonderful anni holiday trip!SUNDAY
dinner with family at downstairs S-11 & bought some daily stuffs.
its been a while since all e 5 of us online to gossip together on msn, such a nice feeling(:SATURDAY
well, i supposed to go for my ear surgery but i missed it:X so postpone it to e 21th(:
so did u guys enjoyed yr halloween? well, mine was a awesome great one! can say it was a special experience to me as this year is my first time celebrating it yea(:
after work, dinner at hub's foodcourt before off to Night Safari with sijie, qiu, adnan, mum & bro as planned. woohoo~ though e rain was kinda spoilt mood!
first was e 40mins tram ride, looking at animals in e dark-.- lol.
next was e damn forest trail & bridge of no return! omg, this is where we literally freaked out & screamed our heads off like nobody business!! ahahas. didnt expect qiu was e most coward one, she was so afraid that she just hide behind us & doesnt want to move at all. and we will always kana attacked & stuck in e middle! its was hell hilarious thinking back:D not to mention even ah jie's sandals gave way due to my clumsiness while bro was e classic one who totally ran away & cried like a baby! LOL and screw that silly mean blue face monster who sneaked up on me & gave me a huge scare! he was like so happy to see me shouted out loud, wth!
lastly, we went for e interesting animal show before rushed off as ah jie's dad came fetched us home 1am. too bad we didnt get to take tons of pics as we were more on busy freaking out. nevertheless i had a amazing fun time, thanks girls for spending your halloween eve with me:D
we shall go back again next year with my other girlfriends(:THURSDAY
after work, met Joey at Lucky Plaza for Pizza hut. as she gotten a free reg pizza voucher(: we both were happily update each other about our break-up stories which so coincidence falls on e same day! hahas. then to FarEast, took out my hair extensions. felt so much better but im pretty upset with e hell lot of hair loss): joey was craving for snow-ice at Slice and home.
oh ya, me & gwen met up with eleena for lunch at Soup Spoon as it was her first day working at that area too. its been ages since i last hang out with her!
after work, back to amk hub for dinner with qiu. had my fave fish soup mini steamboat! met renee to pass her stuff & home.
OT till 8pm & down to town to find amanda for dinner at cine's Shokudo(:
shop around & bought dear ting's belated bday pressie!
needless to say we had tons of catch up & gossips before home 11.30pm.
after work, headed back to Hougang mall with gwen.
met renee & her mum(: thanks auntie for e treat at Pepperlunch.
catch up with bestie over her ever happening story & walked around~
was so down & moody at work, called up renee in e toilet and breakdown real hard unknowingly. for e first time, i let emotions take over me. i just cant help it.
after work, had dinner at amk MOF with renee & qiu.
im in lovee with their ice-cream, yummmy:D
renee went home while qiu came over my place for some heartalks & she specially accompanied me even untill after her curfew(: thank you girls for standing by & e effort of trying to cheer me up when i was all out of love.
appreciated lots, at least im blessed to have them by my side!
p.s pardon me for my terrible long wordy post. i dunno whats wrong with me being so naggy & long-winded with this update. i just got e mood to state everything out^-^